Sekedar informasi untuk Anda yang belum paham apa itu HTML5. Singkatnya pengertian HTML5 adalah sebuah bahasa yang digunakan untuk membuat sebuah halaman web maupun aplikasi berbasis web.
HTML5 adalah versi terbaru dari HTML yang dibuat oleh W3C (World Wide Web Consortium).
Konsep pertamanya sudah dipublikasikan pada tahun 2008, tetapi tidak
banyak yang menggunakannya hingga tahun 2011. Pada tahun 2011, HTML5
diterbitkan sepenuhnya dan orang-orang mulai menulis dan menggunakannya.
Sekarang ini, seluruh browser utama (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, dan Internet Explorer) dapat mendukung HTML5, sehingga teknologi HTML terbaru dapat digunakan dengan sebaik-baiknya.
HTML5 dapat bekerja dengan CSS3 dan
masih dalam tahap pengembangan. Sejak peluncurannya, HTML5 selalu
mengalami pengembangan, W3C terus menambahkan dan mengembangkan Fitur-Fitur pada HTML5 dan berencana meluncurkan versi stabilnya pada tahun 2014.
HTML5 adalah suksesor dari HTML 4.01 yang
diterbitkan pertama kali tahun 1999. Sejak saat itu, internet telah
berubah secara signifikan dan kehadiran HTML5 terlihat sangat
HTML5 dikembangkan berdasarkan standar yang sudah diatur sebelumnya:
- Fitur-fitur baru harus berdasarkan HTML, CSS, DOM, dan JavaScript
- Kebutuhan akan plugin external (seperti Flash) harus dikurangi
- Penanganan error harus lebih mudah daripada versi sebelumnya
- Scripting harus diganti dengan lebih banyak markup
- HTML5 harus bersifat device-independent
- Proses pengembangan harus dapat dilihat oleh publik
Untuk versi terbaru yaitu versi 2496
Update 23 September 2015
Silahkan download dilink berikut :
Download Intel® XDK : xdk_web_win_master_2496.exe
Note: Our automatic updater will notify existing Intel XDK users when a new version (update) is available within the Intel XDK. Intel XDK updates will be released to all users within 24 hours. If you would like an update sooner, download it from
New Features:
Project Version Update
NOTE: With this release of the Intel XDK, the version of the project configuration files (the <project-name>.xdk/xdke files located insside your project directory) have been updated to 2.0.0 from 1.2. Project configuration files must be updated to this new 2.0 format before this new version of the Intel XDK can work on your project.
This configuration file change means that you will be prompted to upgrade your project under any of the following conditions:
The first time you run this new version of the Intel XDK,you will be asked you to upgrade your saved “current” project..
When you select a project created with an older version of the Intel XDK from your list of projects.
When you open a project using the OPEN AN INTEL XDK PROJECT button, and that project was created with an older version of the Intel XDK.
If you choose to cancel the upgrade you will be prompted again to upgrade that project the next time you attempt to access it using any of the above actions with this new release of the Intel XDK.
IMPORTANT: The upgrade process does not change any source files in your project directory! It only changes the <project-name>.xdk and <project-name>.xdke files located in your project's root directory. Once you have upgraded a project, it can no longer be opened by previous versions of the Intel XDK. The upgrade process does create a backup of your project configuration files named <project-name>_1.2.0.xdk_bak and <project-name>_1.2.0.xdke_bak. If for any reason you need to revert to using a previous version of the Intel XDK, you can delete the <project-name and="" files="" g="" gt="" project-name="" rename="" xdk="" xdke="">_1.2.0.xdk_bak to <project-name>.xdk and <project-name>_1.2.0.xdke_bak to <project-name>.xdke.
Cordova Updates
Updated the default Apache Cordova* build version to Cordova 5.1.1. To choose the Cordova build version, visit Projects tab > Build Settings for each platform.
Build servers have been upgraded to allow building your HTML5 + Cordova apps with Apache Cordova 4.1.2 or 5.1.1
NOTE: Cordova 3.3 or 3.5 builds are no longer available with this release.
The official Cordova Project plugin registry has moved to NPM*. The old Cordova plugin registry has been placed into a “read-only” state, so it is still accessible, but the plugins hosted by the old registry cannot be updated by the respective plugin authors. Eventually, the Cordova Project will turn off the old plugin registry, at which point any plugins in your project that are being pulled from that registry will no longer be available from that location.
Technically, the new NPM registry requires Cordova CLI 5; however, our new plugin management system (See Plugin Fetching section below) that is part of this Intel XDK release attempts to minimize the need to move your project to CLI 5 before you are ready. This release of the Intel XDK includes a copy of CLI 5 internally, so it can retrieve plugins from the new registry, even if you choose to build a CLI 4 project. Unfortunately, we cannot fix all of the issues that may arise as a result of this transition to the new Cordova plugin registry, so some projects may require manual intervention when the old plugin registry is turned off.
If you are using third-party plugins AND you reference them ONLY by their plugin ID, then you have been retrieving those plugins from the old Cordova plugin registry. Our new plugin management tool, will attempt to automatically retrieve those third-party plugins from the new Cordova plugin registry, if it finds the old plugin registry is no longer available. For plugins that have not been moved to the new registry by the plugin author, you will have to manually change the reference to those plugins as either a git repo plugin (fetched from a GitHub repo or a local git repo) or identify an appropriate replacement plugin that is available from the new registry.
See this announcement from the Cordova Project for additional details.
The Cordova Project is an open source project that the Intel XDK project contributes to. We do not control the choices made or the actions taken by the Cordova committee. Additionally, the plugins you use in your project have been written and are managed by independent plugin authors. It is the responsibility of the plugin authors to adapt their plugins to this change, the Intel XDK cannot effect that change to third-party plugins. Applications that use only the “core” Cordova plugins and the “legacy” Intel XDK plugins should not experience any significant issues with this transition.
Plugin Fetching:
In previous versions of the Intel XDK, the Apache Cordova* plugins used with your app were retrieved at build time by the cloud build system. Now, the Intel XDK fetches those plugins directly into your project directory (into the plugins directory) as soon as you specify them using the plugin manager UI on the Projects tab. The plugins are then uploaded to the cloud-based build server when you build you app.
This change means you must have a network connection to make plugin changes and the time to upload your project will increase, because the upload includes the plugins used to build your app, in addition to your application source files and other assets. It also means that you can customize the plugins used by your app (by modifying their sources inside the plugins directory) and that you will always build against the same version of a plugin, which the previous mechanism could not guarantee.
NOTE: Only the code elements of the plugins are added to your built application package (APK, IPA, etc.), so there is no increase in the size of your built application, only in the size of the bundle that must be uploaded to the build system. In future releases of the Intel XDK we will be implementing optimizations to minimize the size of the bundle that must be uploaded to the build server with each build. As part of this new plugin fetching feature, we have also modified the UI that you use to select plugins for use in your project. You can find the new settings on the Projects Tab in the Plugin Management section under the Cordova Hybrid Mobile App Settings.
Please see Adding and Managing Plugins for details on these new settings.
App Preview Custom Debug Modules
App Preview custom debug modules is a new feature of the Debug and Profile tabs (and the “Run my App” feature on the Develop tab) that enables debugging and profiling with every Cordova plugin that is part of your project. In the past, debugging and profiling was limited to use of the core Cordova plugins and the Intel XDK plugins that may or may not represent what was specified by your project settings.
This new debug feature results in building a custom debug module (for use with the Debug and Profile tabs) that matches the plugins and build settings specified on the Project tab for your application. It attempts to mimic as closely as possible the final built app for quick and accurate debugging over a USB cable to a real device.
The first release of this new feature is limited to use with Android 4.0* and higher devices and works only with the Android Crosswalk* runtime (aka webview). This is enabled by building a custom debug module for your project when you use the Debug or Profile tab. Each time you initiate a debug or profile session (via the Debug or Profile tabs), the Intel XDK will check for any changes in your project settings that affect Cordova plugin and Crosswalk settings. If changes in these settings are detected a new debug module is automatically built and installed on your USB-connected Android device.
NOTE: If you find that you cannot build a custom debug module, a “generic” debug module can be installed onto your system. This generic debug module contains only the core Cordova and Intel XDK plugin APIs. To install this generic debug module:
push the “start” button (from the Debug tab) to start building a debug module
push the “cancel” button during the custom debug module build phase
push the “cancel” button when the “debug module required” warning message appears
select the “yes” button when presented with the option to install the “generic debug module” onto your device
This “generic” debug module is included with the Intel XDK on installation, so you do not need a network connection to install this module onto your device. You will, however, have to go through the sequence above to debug using the generic debug module (the install is only required once). The generic debug module has the same limitations as the Debug feature in prior versions of the Intel XDK:
generic debug is limited to the core Cordova and Intel XDK APIs
generic debug only runs on a Crosswalk 15 runtime (aka webview)
generic debug is limited to a fixed set of Cordova and Intel XDK plugin versions
We highly recommend that you build a custom debug module for your projects in order to optimize the accuracy of your preview and debug experience. A new debug module will only be built if you make a change to your project that results in a significant change, such as:
adding or removing a plugin
changing the version of a plugin
changing the version of Crosswalk
You always have the option of skipping an update to the custom debug module after making such a change and using the existing custom module that is already installed on your device, instead. Simply push the “cancel” button upon starting the debug session and select “skip” on the “debug module is out of date” dialog that appears.
To learn more about this new feature, review Debug Tab.
Crosswalk as a Plugin
Crosswalk as a plugin is now supported in the Android-Crosswalk build target. There is nothing special a developer has to do to use this "feature". When they choose CLI 5.1.1 (rather than CLI 4.1.2) and build for Crosswalk they will automatically get a Crosswalk 15 embedded build that was made using the new Cordova "pluggable" webview feature. Crosswalk apps built this way are built using the Cordova-Android 4.1.0 framework, rather than the older Cordova-Android 3.6.3. Version 4.1.0 is compatible with the latest Cordova plugins and is more secure than the older version of Cordova-Android.
Game Development Updates:
For game projects, you can now change the location of your project's game asset directory within the project directory. See Using the Game Asset Manager.
Updated the Game Engine versions supported
Game Engine Name Supported Version(s) Default Version (if omitted during Project Import)
Cocos2d-HTML5* 2.2.2 or 2.2.3 Dropped support in project template creation (obsolete engine version), but still supported in project import OR sample project creation.
Cocos2d-JS* 3.1 through 3.7 3.7
Cocos2d-JS Lite 3.2 through 3.7 3.7
Phaser* 2.1.1 through 2.4.2 2.4.2
Pixi* 1.6 through 3.0.7 3.0.7
EaselJS* 0.7 through 0.8.1 0.8.1
Editor Updates:
Brackets* built-in editor is updated to version 1.4.
Known Issues:
Issue Workaround
If you edit files in your plugins folder, the changes will not be seen in the device emulator until you restart the Intel XDK. After editing any of the files in the plugins folder, save them, exit the Intel XDK, then restart Intel XDK.
If you change your plugin selections, the emulator will not automatically restart, even if the auto-refresh option is active. Refresh/restart the Emulator.
Some 3rd-party Cordova plugins located in the new NPM Cordova plugin registry have a mismatch between the plugin‘s npm module name and the plugin’s ID.
The old Cordova plugin registry used reverse-domain “dot-notation” IDs (e.g., "org.apache.cordova.device”); whereas, the new Cordova plugin registry recommends using NPM package name “dash-notation” IDs (e.g., "cordova-plugin-device"). Unfortunately, this change has not been well communicated by the Cordova project and some plugin authors are using a dot-notation plugin ID with an NPM dash-notation package name. This can cause problems for the underlying Cordova “plugin add” operations used by the Intel XDK to import plugins into your Intel XDK project directory.
In the old Cordova plugin registry the plugin’s package name and ID match (X.Y.Z). In the new Cordova plugin registry, most plugins have changed their IDS to the dash-notation (X-Y-Z) to match their new NPM package names. Unfortunately, some plugins did not change the plugin ID but did change the package name when they were published to the new registry.
As the result of this inconsistency, some plugins can be fetched using an X-Y-Z style NPM module name, but the plugin ID displayed by the Intel XDK plugin manager may be displayed in the old X.Y.Z format. For adding, removing and including such plugins in a build, this situation is normally fine. However, if you try to change the version or variables associated with that plugin, using the plugin manager, this inconsistency will causes problems. Since we handle changes to any plugin that is stored in the Cordova registry by referencing its plugin by ID, we will always attempt to change such plugins via their ID (which is in X.Y.Z notation in these cases). Such changes result in a refetch of the plugin, which will be referenced by ID@version, which may not exist in either the old registry or new Cordova NPM registry.
This error results in a false “plugin not found” error message. Remove the plugin manually, using the plugin manager (on the Project tab) and add back the new version of the desired plugin.
If your "source" directory is blank (meaning your index.html file is located at the root of your project, rather than within a folder inside your project directory, typically named "www"), when you build your app it will include the entire contents of the "plugins" directory located within your project directory. In order to eliminate this issue and insure future compatibility with updates to the Cordova subsystem of the Intel XDK, you should create a "source" directory (typically named "www") inside your project directory and move your index.html and other application source and asset files into that source directory. You must then also set the Intel XDK project properties to point to that new "www" directory located within your project directory. It is safest to do this with a copy of your project directory. For detailed instructions, see this forum post:
It is possible that during an update of the Intel XDK that not all files get properly removed before the update and the Intel XDK will crash with an "Error: ENOENT, no such file or directory" error. This can happen if you have a file/directory open in another process. In order to eliminate this issue and install the latest Intel XDK, first make sure there are no processes open that are using Intel XDK files. Next, remove all the files from your Intel XDK installation directory, then download the Intel XDK from and install.
LINUX ISSUE ONLY: the Linux client may rarely crash upon closing of the Intel XDK. Nothing is lost and the Intel XDK can be restarted without any harm. Simply discard the dialog box presented.
Keep Us Informed
To provide us with feedback, report issues, and find answers to your questions, please visit our forums.
New Features:
Project Version Update
NOTE: With this release of the Intel XDK, the version of the project configuration files (the <project-name>.xdk/xdke files located insside your project directory) have been updated to 2.0.0 from 1.2. Project configuration files must be updated to this new 2.0 format before this new version of the Intel XDK can work on your project.
This configuration file change means that you will be prompted to upgrade your project under any of the following conditions:
The first time you run this new version of the Intel XDK,you will be asked you to upgrade your saved “current” project..
When you select a project created with an older version of the Intel XDK from your list of projects.
When you open a project using the OPEN AN INTEL XDK PROJECT button, and that project was created with an older version of the Intel XDK.
If you choose to cancel the upgrade you will be prompted again to upgrade that project the next time you attempt to access it using any of the above actions with this new release of the Intel XDK.
IMPORTANT: The upgrade process does not change any source files in your project directory! It only changes the <project-name>.xdk and <project-name>.xdke files located in your project's root directory. Once you have upgraded a project, it can no longer be opened by previous versions of the Intel XDK. The upgrade process does create a backup of your project configuration files named <project-name>_1.2.0.xdk_bak and <project-name>_1.2.0.xdke_bak. If for any reason you need to revert to using a previous version of the Intel XDK, you can delete the <project-name and="" files="" g="" gt="" project-name="" rename="" xdk="" xdke="">_1.2.0.xdk_bak to <project-name>.xdk and <project-name>_1.2.0.xdke_bak to <project-name>.xdke.
Cordova Updates
Updated the default Apache Cordova* build version to Cordova 5.1.1. To choose the Cordova build version, visit Projects tab > Build Settings for each platform.
Build servers have been upgraded to allow building your HTML5 + Cordova apps with Apache Cordova 4.1.2 or 5.1.1
NOTE: Cordova 3.3 or 3.5 builds are no longer available with this release.
The official Cordova Project plugin registry has moved to NPM*. The old Cordova plugin registry has been placed into a “read-only” state, so it is still accessible, but the plugins hosted by the old registry cannot be updated by the respective plugin authors. Eventually, the Cordova Project will turn off the old plugin registry, at which point any plugins in your project that are being pulled from that registry will no longer be available from that location.
Technically, the new NPM registry requires Cordova CLI 5; however, our new plugin management system (See Plugin Fetching section below) that is part of this Intel XDK release attempts to minimize the need to move your project to CLI 5 before you are ready. This release of the Intel XDK includes a copy of CLI 5 internally, so it can retrieve plugins from the new registry, even if you choose to build a CLI 4 project. Unfortunately, we cannot fix all of the issues that may arise as a result of this transition to the new Cordova plugin registry, so some projects may require manual intervention when the old plugin registry is turned off.
If you are using third-party plugins AND you reference them ONLY by their plugin ID, then you have been retrieving those plugins from the old Cordova plugin registry. Our new plugin management tool, will attempt to automatically retrieve those third-party plugins from the new Cordova plugin registry, if it finds the old plugin registry is no longer available. For plugins that have not been moved to the new registry by the plugin author, you will have to manually change the reference to those plugins as either a git repo plugin (fetched from a GitHub repo or a local git repo) or identify an appropriate replacement plugin that is available from the new registry.
See this announcement from the Cordova Project for additional details.
The Cordova Project is an open source project that the Intel XDK project contributes to. We do not control the choices made or the actions taken by the Cordova committee. Additionally, the plugins you use in your project have been written and are managed by independent plugin authors. It is the responsibility of the plugin authors to adapt their plugins to this change, the Intel XDK cannot effect that change to third-party plugins. Applications that use only the “core” Cordova plugins and the “legacy” Intel XDK plugins should not experience any significant issues with this transition.
Plugin Fetching:
In previous versions of the Intel XDK, the Apache Cordova* plugins used with your app were retrieved at build time by the cloud build system. Now, the Intel XDK fetches those plugins directly into your project directory (into the plugins directory) as soon as you specify them using the plugin manager UI on the Projects tab. The plugins are then uploaded to the cloud-based build server when you build you app.
This change means you must have a network connection to make plugin changes and the time to upload your project will increase, because the upload includes the plugins used to build your app, in addition to your application source files and other assets. It also means that you can customize the plugins used by your app (by modifying their sources inside the plugins directory) and that you will always build against the same version of a plugin, which the previous mechanism could not guarantee.
NOTE: Only the code elements of the plugins are added to your built application package (APK, IPA, etc.), so there is no increase in the size of your built application, only in the size of the bundle that must be uploaded to the build system. In future releases of the Intel XDK we will be implementing optimizations to minimize the size of the bundle that must be uploaded to the build server with each build. As part of this new plugin fetching feature, we have also modified the UI that you use to select plugins for use in your project. You can find the new settings on the Projects Tab in the Plugin Management section under the Cordova Hybrid Mobile App Settings.
Please see Adding and Managing Plugins for details on these new settings.
App Preview Custom Debug Modules
App Preview custom debug modules is a new feature of the Debug and Profile tabs (and the “Run my App” feature on the Develop tab) that enables debugging and profiling with every Cordova plugin that is part of your project. In the past, debugging and profiling was limited to use of the core Cordova plugins and the Intel XDK plugins that may or may not represent what was specified by your project settings.
This new debug feature results in building a custom debug module (for use with the Debug and Profile tabs) that matches the plugins and build settings specified on the Project tab for your application. It attempts to mimic as closely as possible the final built app for quick and accurate debugging over a USB cable to a real device.
The first release of this new feature is limited to use with Android 4.0* and higher devices and works only with the Android Crosswalk* runtime (aka webview). This is enabled by building a custom debug module for your project when you use the Debug or Profile tab. Each time you initiate a debug or profile session (via the Debug or Profile tabs), the Intel XDK will check for any changes in your project settings that affect Cordova plugin and Crosswalk settings. If changes in these settings are detected a new debug module is automatically built and installed on your USB-connected Android device.
NOTE: If you find that you cannot build a custom debug module, a “generic” debug module can be installed onto your system. This generic debug module contains only the core Cordova and Intel XDK plugin APIs. To install this generic debug module:
push the “start” button (from the Debug tab) to start building a debug module
push the “cancel” button during the custom debug module build phase
push the “cancel” button when the “debug module required” warning message appears
select the “yes” button when presented with the option to install the “generic debug module” onto your device
This “generic” debug module is included with the Intel XDK on installation, so you do not need a network connection to install this module onto your device. You will, however, have to go through the sequence above to debug using the generic debug module (the install is only required once). The generic debug module has the same limitations as the Debug feature in prior versions of the Intel XDK:
generic debug is limited to the core Cordova and Intel XDK APIs
generic debug only runs on a Crosswalk 15 runtime (aka webview)
generic debug is limited to a fixed set of Cordova and Intel XDK plugin versions
We highly recommend that you build a custom debug module for your projects in order to optimize the accuracy of your preview and debug experience. A new debug module will only be built if you make a change to your project that results in a significant change, such as:
adding or removing a plugin
changing the version of a plugin
changing the version of Crosswalk
You always have the option of skipping an update to the custom debug module after making such a change and using the existing custom module that is already installed on your device, instead. Simply push the “cancel” button upon starting the debug session and select “skip” on the “debug module is out of date” dialog that appears.
To learn more about this new feature, review Debug Tab.
Crosswalk as a Plugin
Crosswalk as a plugin is now supported in the Android-Crosswalk build target. There is nothing special a developer has to do to use this "feature". When they choose CLI 5.1.1 (rather than CLI 4.1.2) and build for Crosswalk they will automatically get a Crosswalk 15 embedded build that was made using the new Cordova "pluggable" webview feature. Crosswalk apps built this way are built using the Cordova-Android 4.1.0 framework, rather than the older Cordova-Android 3.6.3. Version 4.1.0 is compatible with the latest Cordova plugins and is more secure than the older version of Cordova-Android.
Game Development Updates:
For game projects, you can now change the location of your project's game asset directory within the project directory. See Using the Game Asset Manager.
Updated the Game Engine versions supported
Game Engine Name Supported Version(s) Default Version (if omitted during Project Import)
Cocos2d-HTML5* 2.2.2 or 2.2.3 Dropped support in project template creation (obsolete engine version), but still supported in project import OR sample project creation.
Cocos2d-JS* 3.1 through 3.7 3.7
Cocos2d-JS Lite 3.2 through 3.7 3.7
Phaser* 2.1.1 through 2.4.2 2.4.2
Pixi* 1.6 through 3.0.7 3.0.7
EaselJS* 0.7 through 0.8.1 0.8.1
Editor Updates:
Brackets* built-in editor is updated to version 1.4.
Known Issues:
Issue Workaround
If you edit files in your plugins folder, the changes will not be seen in the device emulator until you restart the Intel XDK. After editing any of the files in the plugins folder, save them, exit the Intel XDK, then restart Intel XDK.
If you change your plugin selections, the emulator will not automatically restart, even if the auto-refresh option is active. Refresh/restart the Emulator.
Some 3rd-party Cordova plugins located in the new NPM Cordova plugin registry have a mismatch between the plugin‘s npm module name and the plugin’s ID.
The old Cordova plugin registry used reverse-domain “dot-notation” IDs (e.g., "org.apache.cordova.device”); whereas, the new Cordova plugin registry recommends using NPM package name “dash-notation” IDs (e.g., "cordova-plugin-device"). Unfortunately, this change has not been well communicated by the Cordova project and some plugin authors are using a dot-notation plugin ID with an NPM dash-notation package name. This can cause problems for the underlying Cordova “plugin add” operations used by the Intel XDK to import plugins into your Intel XDK project directory.
In the old Cordova plugin registry the plugin’s package name and ID match (X.Y.Z). In the new Cordova plugin registry, most plugins have changed their IDS to the dash-notation (X-Y-Z) to match their new NPM package names. Unfortunately, some plugins did not change the plugin ID but did change the package name when they were published to the new registry.
As the result of this inconsistency, some plugins can be fetched using an X-Y-Z style NPM module name, but the plugin ID displayed by the Intel XDK plugin manager may be displayed in the old X.Y.Z format. For adding, removing and including such plugins in a build, this situation is normally fine. However, if you try to change the version or variables associated with that plugin, using the plugin manager, this inconsistency will causes problems. Since we handle changes to any plugin that is stored in the Cordova registry by referencing its plugin by ID, we will always attempt to change such plugins via their ID (which is in X.Y.Z notation in these cases). Such changes result in a refetch of the plugin, which will be referenced by ID@version, which may not exist in either the old registry or new Cordova NPM registry.
This error results in a false “plugin not found” error message. Remove the plugin manually, using the plugin manager (on the Project tab) and add back the new version of the desired plugin.
If your "source" directory is blank (meaning your index.html file is located at the root of your project, rather than within a folder inside your project directory, typically named "www"), when you build your app it will include the entire contents of the "plugins" directory located within your project directory. In order to eliminate this issue and insure future compatibility with updates to the Cordova subsystem of the Intel XDK, you should create a "source" directory (typically named "www") inside your project directory and move your index.html and other application source and asset files into that source directory. You must then also set the Intel XDK project properties to point to that new "www" directory located within your project directory. It is safest to do this with a copy of your project directory. For detailed instructions, see this forum post:
It is possible that during an update of the Intel XDK that not all files get properly removed before the update and the Intel XDK will crash with an "Error: ENOENT, no such file or directory" error. This can happen if you have a file/directory open in another process. In order to eliminate this issue and install the latest Intel XDK, first make sure there are no processes open that are using Intel XDK files. Next, remove all the files from your Intel XDK installation directory, then download the Intel XDK from and install.
LINUX ISSUE ONLY: the Linux client may rarely crash upon closing of the Intel XDK. Nothing is lost and the Intel XDK can be restarted without any harm. Simply discard the dialog box presented.
Keep Us Informed
To provide us with feedback, report issues, and find answers to your questions, please visit our forums.
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